Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Rebol Name Value
1.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Common RNV manipulation functions.
author: Andrew Martin
Function counter
8.6 KB
14 Feb 2012
[no purpose header found]
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
REBOL tagfile generator
4.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Generates a tagfile that can be used with vi/emacs to quickly locate set-words in your code
author: Ernie van der Meer
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebProcessor is a cross between an HTML pre-processor and a website content manager. The user creates source files (foo.src) which can contain any combination of HTML and RP commands, and the script will generate the target file (foo.html) for further use. ** EMail me for the help file, and for the example source file **
author: Seth Chromick
Regset - Regular expression convertor to bitset!
2.1 KB
31 May 2007
Make bitset from simple regex-like dialect.
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
rem REBOL External Modules
2.4 KB
8 Jul 2011
rem REBOL External Modules management, like gem in Ruby
author: RedChronicle
Representing And Relating Data In A Text-list
4.7 KB
10 Oct 2007
- to illustrate a method to format columns in text-lists - to illustrate a method of relating the representation of data in a text-list with the data - to illustrate how non unique data may be presented in text-lists
author: R. v.d.Zee
request-date object/func optimization and enhancment
5.4 KB
11 Mar 2004
This is an enhanced replacement for the original request-date function, the embedded date picker in view (datepicker). - Clean, correct and optimize the code. - add day names at top of window (use system/locales/days). - add first-day-of-week value to choose starting with Sunday or Monday. (I think this value should be part of system/locales) - add Today [...]
author: Didier Cadieu
RIP - Standard File Archiver
3.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
A file archiver that works across 37 platforms. Compresses all files and subdirectories into a single binary, self-extracting archive file. (Similar to ZIP programs, but only 3KB.)
author: Carl Sassenrath
22.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
A high-performance, handler based, server framework and a rebol request broker...
author: Maarten Koopmans
Run sequence encoded integer data sets
7.0 KB
21 Feb 2007
Provide an API for compacting/compressing sets of integers
author: christian
Cellphone reminder
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Reads a file 'data.txt' containing appointment data, and sends my cell phone a text message 5 minutes before the appointment.
author: Graham Chiu
Simple REBOL Text Parser
6.7 KB
9 Mar 2013
Parse text using a REBOL grammar and index values found within it.
author: Brett Handley
Create .EXE from Rebol script + other files using NSIS.
4.6 KB
4 Sep 2006
Create .EXE (with ICON) from Rebol script with optional extra scripts or datafiles using NSIS.
author: Arie van Wingerden
Dialect Object Model
rebol-dom-mdlparser.r71.6 KB
7 Jul 2023
----a future Rebol browser API?---- %Rebol-DOM.r mdlparser.r can view DOM's as VID. The Rebol-dom code in the mdlparser has been updated. I'll improve the mdlparser and post updates as time permits or if anyone request specific changes that will improve it. This mdlparser [...]
author: daniel
Web Site Checker
3.5 KB
11 Jun 2004
Scan a web site looking for missing pages, remote links, email links, etc. Helps you clean up sites.
author: Carl Sassenrath
SNMP v1 protocol
13.4 KB
21 Feb 2005
Implementation of SNMP v1 scheme (RFC 1155,1156,1157) , no TRAP. URL is snmp://[community@]<host adr>/CMD/<id values> default community is public Where CMD is get getnext or set id values is a string like that: Return an object: make object! [ version: [...]
author: VDemong
Sort an array of records
1.8 KB
7 Nov 2005
Sort an array where each record is separated by a 'newline' and each field in each record is separated by a comma.
author: Gordon Raboud
3.2 KB
7 Nov 2005
Sorting a series of items. Specify how many fields per record, which field to sort on, and Ascending or Descending order.
author: Gordon Raboud with some help from Volker, DideC, Sunanda and BrianH
6.3 KB
25 Nov 2010
REBOL File packer
author: Boleslav Brezovsky, based on rip.r by Carl Sassenrath/Cal Dixon